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10 Fruits You’ve Probably Never Tasted

10. Karambola

Karambola or “Averrhoa carambola”, also known as star fruit, is a type of fruit popular throughout Southeast Asia, the South Pacific and parts of East Asia and it is also cultivated in Latin America, Caribbean Islands, and the south of the United States.

You can consume the whole fruit, including its “wax peel”. Karambola flesh is crisp, firm and very juicy. Taking in consider it contains 4 % sugar, this fruit is very sweet, and it is also rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and potassium. Karambola taste can be compared with the mixture of apple, pear and lemon.

9. Pepino

Pepino fruit, in Latin “Solanum muricatum”, known as Pepino Dulce or Sweet Pepino. It is a type of evergreen shrub originating in South America, and this fruit is cultivated for its fresh edible fruits.

Pepino taste can be compared with the mixture of pear and melon, and it is useful for people diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease, patients who suffered a stroke or have a high blood pressure. Regular consumption generally improves strength.

8. Cherimoya

Cherimoya or “Annona cherimola” is a fruit which is considered to have originated in the Andes. This fruit was first imported to California and Hawaii in 1871, and then arrived to Italy and Portugal. In some places cherimoya fruit is called tropical apple, but this translation is not quite popular.

Cherimoya taste depends on the fruit variety, some types taste like pineapples, while others are sweet as pears and apples. This fruit contains 15 % sugar and it is also rich in vitamin C. Cherimoya seeds must never be broken because they are toxic and can cause paralysis.

7. Pitaya

Pitaya is a type of cactus which originated in Mexico, Central and South America, but it is also cultivated in East and Southeast Asia and also in Israel, Cyprus, China and northern Australia.

Pitaya flesh, which is eaten raw, tastes sweet and it is low in calories. You can consume pitaya seeds with its flesh and they give a flavor similar to the taste of walnuts. This fruit is used in preparation of juice and wine, and you can used its flower to prepare nice and warm tea.

6. Ackee

Ackee fruit, in Latin “Blighia sapida”, is a fruit which originated in the tropical areas of West Africa. Once imported in Jamaica, it became one of the main ingredients in Caribbean specialties, and it is also cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas in several parts of the world.

This fruit contains many fatty acids, including omega 6 fatty acid. It contains no cholesterol and saturated fat, and it also contains lots of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin B and C, zinc, potassium, calcium and fiber.

5. Longan

Longan or “Dimocarpus longan” originated in Malaysia, but it is also cultivated in parts of South and Southeast Asia. In Malay (Malaysian language) this fruit is known as “mata kucing”, meaning “cat eyes”.

This fruit is sweet and juicy, and though it can be consumed fresh, it is also added in East Asian soup, sweet – sour and sweet dishes. You can buy this fruit fresh or dried, canned or as syrup. Dry longan is often used in Chinese cuisine and medicine, because they are believed to have a relaxing effect on the body.

4. Physalis

Physalis or “Solanaceae” is a fruit that grows in warm temperate and subtropical regions around the world. Its typical fruit is similar to hard tomato and physalisot has a sweet and refreshingly sour taste.

This fruit can be eaten raw or used in addition to desserts and salads, and you can also use it  to make jam and jelly. In addition to this, in Chinese medicine it is used to relieve cough, fever and throat inflammation.

3. Santol

Santol fruit, in Latin “Sandoricum koetjape”, grows in Southeast Asia, and it is known as cotton fruit or sour apple. This fruit can be consumed raw or used as addition to various dishes.

In the Philippines this fruit is used in preparation of the famous specialty Bicol. Santol is cooked in coconut milk with pork meat and peppers. In Thailand santol is used as an additive in som – tam salad, which in 2011 was announced as one of the 50 most delicious foods in the world.

2. Pomelo

Pomelo or “Citrus maxima”, is a fruit that originated in South and Southeast Asia. This fruit is the largest citrus fruit in the world, 15 to 25 centimeters large and its weight ranges from 1 to 2 pounds a piece.

Pomeloto tastes like sweet grapefruit, meaning it is not bitter like ordinary grapefruit. Pomelo peel is sometimes used for making jam or as addition in cookies, and in some parts of the world people soak it in chocolate before consuming. It is believed that grapefruit is a hybrid of pomelo and orange.

1. Kiwano (Horned Melon)

Kiwano fruit, in Latin “Cucumis metuliferus”, originated in Africa and now it is cultivated in California, Chile, Australia and New Zealand. Kiwano is also known as African horned cucumber, African horned melon, jelly melon and hedged gourd.

This fruit can be eaten at all phases of its development, it can be eaten raw, or in addition to various dishes. Kiwanoto is used in preparation of juices, marmalade and fruit salads, it is juicy and has a refreshing taste.