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In the mood for something different today? How about a quick and easy dish that will enlighten your senses? Creamy, Rich and Spicy…..this dish is sure to please!

1 Lb of a quality cut of beef sliced thin

2 large onions cut in large pieces

2 peppers (any color) cut into large pieces

1 head of garlic minced

1 inch of fresh ginger minced

1 can of a quality coconut milk

1/4 cup creamy peanut butter

1 or 2 tablespoons of chili garlic sauce

1 bunch scallions, thinly sliced

1/4 cup crushed peanuts

Peanut or vegetable oil for cooking

Organic Jasmine, Brown or Black Rice

Saute the beef in a hot sauce pan or wok if you have one. This method of cooking the beef only takes a minute or so in a super hot pan. Take the beef out and reserve it for later. I deglaze the pan at this point with a little chicken stock, if you don’t have the stock, use a little water and add the chile garlic sauce. Reserve this liquid as well. Just pour it on top of the beef. Get your now clean wok or salute pan super hot again and add the onions and peppers. Again, this happens fast and it is good to see a little burn on the vegetables. Reserve the vegetables on the side. Now, add a touch more oil and add the minced garlic and ginger, saute the  garlic and ginger without burning them, then add the coconut milk and peanut butter. Take a moment to incorporate the ingredients in the sauce. Add all of your reserved ingredients and simmer 5 minutes or so. Serve over some rice, sprinkle with crushed peanuts and fresh thinly cut scallions and ENJOY!!!