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yes we have bananas

yes we have bananas
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  • That reminds me when you mentioned sap. Should any sap get on your clothes ... they will have permanently dyed brown spots wherever the sap lands.

  • Hi Cindy,

    The tips normally dry & blacken. We just pinch them all off . Not to worry .... you do not have Chernobyl versions, completely normal. That upper (as when hanging from the tree) end is also where they are opened most easily ... pinch to split the yellow skin & peel.

  • Hi Cindy,

    Yes, the main stalk will shrink, darken & sometimes even blacken before the fruits turn yellow.

    We hang ours upside down to the way they grow on the tree. If you want to speed up the ripening ...  tie a black plastic trash bag around them & check daily.

    Sometimes they gradually ripen which is more convenient, usually nearly all the bunch at once.

  • Well, thank you :-)  Considering the Highlands of Panama next. 80+% humidity here year around and temps = 32+ deg C for 6 months. Coastal Panama seems similar. April - Nov here are pretty nice with near constant natural fan from the Trade Winds @ 15-20 kts avg. but Tonga's Summer = Dec - April are a might too warm to suit me. :-( .

  • Well, enjoy them and be happy that you eat and live a healthy life :-) !

  • No Maria,

    Enjoying eating them and many other natural goodies. We also have Papayas, Limes, Mangoes & perhaps next year Pineapples. Avacados in maybe 5 more years.

    This pic was taken over a year ago when we moved here. Eating more natural foods ... I have lost 39 pounds (about 18 kg ?) since the pic was taken.

  • Are you selling them?

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