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We have reduced the price on our 5 acre farm east of Caldera from $159,500 to $149,500.  This is a turnkey operation with 2 bedroom, 2 bath home and all furniture,bedding, dishes large and small appliances, organic garden, fruit trees, gardening tools, etc.,  Off grid solar electric (15 panels, 16 batteries) Solar system still has 4 years left on warranty.  Includes gas backup generator, low boy trailer and many other items,  Redundant watering system includes, water catchment in wet season, gas pump and RAM pump for pumping clear water from nearby year around mountain stream. This little hillside farm has great potential for commercially producing moringa trees, seeds, pods, etc.  and becoming a sustainable cash crop, in addition to producing vegetable bedding plants other farming products to sell in local farmer's  and flea markets.  Suitable for all animals except cows.  This Panama Corporation is in good standing and is currently registered for selling farm products and real estate sales.  Would consider carrying 10% of the sale price to a well qualified buyer.    For more information or appointment to see, contact burksw@ymail.com or call 6201-8257. 

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  • Hi, Nancy I just have a question about your property, why are you asking so low price. I have been looking for long time and this is the first time I see a low cost property. It look like it is a great location.


    • One item that I see from personal experience. Advertising the ability to pump water out of a "year round stream" is against the law unless you receive a concession from ANAM - the government agency that controls the environmental resources.

      To obtain a concession for personal use or a hobby farm, is extremely difficult - I won't go as far as using the word impossible but...

      So my question if I were interested, is do the owners have a concession to use a diesel pump to take water from a natural stream or even one to collect rainwater?
    • Val i had a friend that had a place here that ran into the same problem.He couldnt get the permit to take the water from a creek next to his place.He tried to drill for a well with no luck. Caldera which is known to be very rocky he sold the property. I told him that when you are looking at property, water is the first thing that you want to investigate.

    • Good advice Michael!

      We did do the right thing and while we don't live in Caldera, close enough to understand the situation and how far we had to drill, using as far as we know the only professional company here Bombasa (although that could have changed). We have tons of rocks on our property as at one point, it seems Baru did erupt and hit this area and that is the reason for all the rocks - at least that is what I have been told.

      It never occcured to us to do anything but put in the proper infrastructure and no, it was not cheap BUT we have never run out of water - 120 ft.down with lots of rock if I recall correctly. If anyone knows about wells, they will know that it wasn't cheap but I won't quote prices that could be more or less than what we paid now.

      Bottom line - it can be done but you will most likely have to pay so that would be the first question to ask - assuming you want to do all legal - and as "permanent residents" but not nationals, we wanted to respect the country where we chose to live.
    • Aparacia,  We bought the property at a pretty good price.  We feel we are being called into full time ministry back in the US.  We are just trying to get the money back out of the place that we have put into it plus the upgrades we have done on it.  We are not trying to make a lot of money off the deal.  We feel it is fairly priced for what we have to offer.  Thanks for inquiring.  Nancy Burks

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